Transfer pricing regulates the prices of goods and services between related parties in international transactions, such as between a parent company and its subsidiary in different countries. To prevent non-market-based pricing, many countries have implemented transfer pricing regulations requiring companies to document and justify their transaction prices. This complex issue involves factors like intellectual property value, manufacturing locations, and the roles of marketing and distribution. Consequently, transfer pricing is critical for multinational corporations, tax authorities, and international organizations like the OECD.
Identification of parties related to the transaction
It is very important to identify related parties to transactions. Identification should include the parties and the responsibilities of each party in the production and sale process.
Transfer price and Benchmark Analysis
Analysis and pricing of transfer prices including what each related party wants in terms of production expenses, the risks each party bears, and the investment in property equipment and machinery.
Determining the pricing method
The most suitable pricing method to use must be determined, there are several pricing methods that can be used to determine arm’s length, the target price that is within the realm of reasonableness
Planning and implementing a transfer pricing strategy
We will help you implement the method and billing between the companies on an ongoing basis according to transfer pricing work.
Documenting transfer pricing in accordance with tax authorities' regulations
We will document the research work in a detailed report that provides an explanation for the chosen method, and justifies it.
ReExam transfer pricing work once a year
It’s important to review the assumptions used in the analysis to ensure the chosen pricing method remains relevant.
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