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Business Plan

Preparation of revenue budget

In a startup, it is very important to correctly write the revenue budget, identify the revenue model, calculate LTV from a customer, as well as define a primary market for the product.

Marketing and sales budget

What are the channels for recruiting customers, calculating customer CAC, and defining the MARKET FIT of the product. We at Accountix will accompany you at eye level in the preparation of the business plan

Cash Flow planning and Report

Cash is king, a cash flow report is the most important report. This report will be used by banks and investors to examine the feasibility of investing in a project. Our goal is to prepare and monitor the Cash Flow

Capital / fundraising scenarios

Before starting, it’s crucial to know the minimum required capital and the milestones it will achieve. Consider various scenarios with different fundraising assumptions

Profit and Loss Reporting. BvA Budget vs Actualv

profit and loss (P&L) statement is a mandatory part of the business plan. It details monthly income and expenses, typically over 18-24 months or longer

Determination and measurement of KPI's

Presentation of KPI of the project, it is very important to know the KPI of the sector in which we operate, such as ARR, CAC, LTV, VOL and more

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